NTEU UniMelb Palestine Solidarity

Academic and Intellectual Freedom and Palestine

The NTEU believes that intellectual and academic freedom are essential and defining characteristics of autonomous and publicly accountable modern universities. In the university context, intellectual freedom refers to the right of all staff and students to freely hold political and intellectual views and values and express them publicly, without fear of reprisal or retribution or restriction by university policies and procedures.” This extends to all issues, including Palestine.

⁠The branch calls on the University of Melbourne to take steps to protect the freedom of speech and academic expression in relation to Israel’s current violence in Gaza, including:

a.) By repealing the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which is politicised, widely contested and creates a chilling effect on academic and intellectual freedom.

b.) By immediately taking steps to facilitate and protect the right of professional staff to express their views on Palestine in the workplace, including undertaking not to issue directives to avoid speech or free expression
c). By publicly guaranteeing the right of all staff to exercise their academic and intellectual freedom, and actively supporting staff who have been targeted, harassed, vilified, or intimidated as a result of their exercise of that freedom.

UniMelb Gaza Encampment Solidarity

The branch supports the UniMelb for Palestine (UM4P) solidarity encampment at the University of Melbourne, and calls on the University to protect the right and safety of students and staff protesting Israel’s violence in Gaza from threats, intimidation and physical violence and to express their views without fear or outside interference.

Scholars at Risk

The NTEU UniMelb Branch calls on the University of Melbourne to join the Scholars At Risk Australia National Section and provide SAR placements for staff from destroyed Palestinian universities.

University of Melbourne Disclosure

In line with the UM4P encampment’s demands, the branch calls upon the University of Melbourne to fully disclose all its ties to weapons manufacturers, militaries and institutions directly implicated in Israel’s violence in Gaza.